Contributing back and supporting communities to make an impact on people's lives
As a company, we aspire to contribute to further accelerate the studies of genetics which is why we have been putting an emphasis on conducting joint research with both domestic and foreign research Institutions.
Our research disciplinary focus is in the areas of neurological and behavioral science, oncology, pharmacogenomics (PGx) and population genetics, combined with explorations of new technologies using AAV, mRNA and CRISPR for drug discovery and targeted therapeutic developments.
We offer charitable donations to various organizations and academic associations, conferences and researchers who are considered to demonstrate strong leadership or contribution to society. Our donations expand to a wide range of recipients whose activities possess agendas or core values based on ‘promoting health, preventive medicine and finding cures for incurable diseases’.
Our company and teams are committed to contribute back to society in multiple areas, including protection of the environment, recycling, saving energy and usage of sustainable materials.
Genesis Healthcare is committed to safeguarding and facilitating community-wide testing, and has set high quality standards ensuring safe transportation and processing of testing specimens.
In addition, we support education and training of the next generations of genomic scientists and researchers in our facilities and in partnership with a range of academic institutions.
At Genesis Healthcare we have established our own ethics committee in order to obtain a fair and neutral third-party validation on decisions made that affect our company integrity, our research and how we handle individual genetic information.
November 2024
19th Meeting of the Ethics Committee
Regarding the Revision of the Ethical Review Committee Regulations.
Summary of Minutes
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September 2024
18th Meeting of the Ethics Committee
Resolution on the Implementation of a Feasibility Study for Introducing New Inspection Items at Our Company.
Summary of Minutes
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November 2023
17th Meeting of the Ethics Committee
Report on the Progress of the Joint Research with the University.
Summary of Minutes
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November 2022
16th Meeting of the Ethics Committee
Report on the Progress of Collaborative Research with a clinic, Collaborative Research with a university, and Business Updates.
Summary of Minutes
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November 2021
14th Meeting of the Ethics Committee
Mid-term plan, current situation and research plan.
Summary of Minutes
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December 2020
13th Meeting of the Ethics Committee
Report items related to ethics, ethics training and research plan matters.
Summary of Minutes
July 2020
12th Meeting of the Ethics Committee
Resolution and reporting items related to the Committee’s administration (change of membership), research and business plan matters.
Summary of Minutes
October 2019
11th Meeting of the Ethics Committee
Revision of the Ethics Committee Rules and change of Committee members, etc.
Summary of Minutes
October 2018
10th Meeting of the Ethics Committee
1. Analysis technology for drug response genes
2. Genome-wide association analysis using membership
3. Technical verification for intestinal flora analysis
4. Study on Japanese origin based on mitochondrial
Summary of Minutes
April 2017
9th Meeting of the Ethics Committee
Japanese population and the establishment of analysis techniques to research about autosomal recessive hereditary diseases utilizing next generation sequencing.
Summary of Minutes
March 2017
8th Meeting of the Ethics Committee
Developing genetic testing methods on testing advanced dementia and mild cognitive disease and their occurrence.
Summary of Minutes
March 2016
7th Meeting of the Ethics Committee
Establishing methods on testing BRCA 1/2 variation through saliva sampling.
Summary of Minutes
November 4, 2015
6th Meeting of the Ethics Committee
Project on extracting and analyzing DNA from hair of a deceased person.
Summary of Minutes
November 2012
5th Meeting of the Ethics Committee
On a possible joint research with P&G on identifying genes influencing the skin
Summary of Minutes
October 9, 2012
4th Meeting of the Ethics Committee
About sales promotions on direct-to-customer genetic testing kit ‘GeneLife2012’
Summary of Minutes
November 10, 2011
3rd Meeting of the Ethics Committee
About sales promotions on direct-to-customer a genetic testing kit on alcohol metabolism and its genetic relation
Summary of Minutes
December 21, 2008
2nd Meeting of the Ethics Committee
Discussing ethical dimensions on starting a joint research.
Summary of Minutes
April 25, 2008
1st Meeting of the Ethics Committee
Election of a chairperson and vice-chairperson for the committee
Summary of Minutes
Privacy and data security at the core of everything we do
We believe that along with our commitment to technological advancements, it is just as essential to have an infrastructure to protect the genetic information that is provided to us and amassed in our database; for safekeeping on behalf of our consumers who own their genetic data. In our effort to create a benchmark for the rules and guidelines in securing sensitive personal and genetic information, Genesis Healthcare and other members with METI (Ministry of Trade and Industry) have worked to formulate an industry guideline. Furthermore, Genesis Healthcare’s Servers and Laboratory are located in a tightly secured location with security guards 24 hours a day/365 days a year. Numerous security protocols such as surveillance videos and noise alert system to monitor any access to our genetic database assist in protecting the genetic information of our clients which we consider the very core of our duty.
For further reference:
Code of Conduct for companies dealing with private genetic information

Genesis Healthcare as a company strongly believes in the fact that securing the genetic information entrusted by our customers securely and it is a fundamental component of our business activities as well as a way of contributing to society. To protect our information assets from threats, making sure our security is assured, maintained and continuously intact is most sacred to us. We believe that information security can be manifested in confidentiality, security and possibility and define each of them as follows:
Confidentiality: A state of high protection, only those allowed can access what is being stored and this shall be assured at all costs and never leaked.
Security: A state that shall not be broken, assurance of a state where information and information processing shall be accurate and secure at all costs.
Possibility: A state where information and all connecting assets shall always be usable and accessible to those that are allowed to do so whenever they need to.